Should You Eat Nuts On A Low Carb Diet

Should You Eat Nuts On A Low Carb Diet

One of the top keto snacks is nuts.

That makes sense, because nuts are delicious, convenient, and satiating.

But many nuts have hidden carbs and don't pack the nutritional punch that you might expect. The last thing you want to do is enjoy what you think is a keto-friendly snack and be kicked out of ketosis.

So we've compiled a list of the top keto nuts available. These options are low-carb, high-fat, and delicious.

Table of Contents

  • Why You Should Love Nuts
  • 1. Macadamia Nuts
  • 2. Pili Nuts
  • 3. Pecans
  • 4. Hazelnuts
  • 5. Almonds
  • 6. Pistachios

Why You Should Love Nuts

Often underappreciated, nuts deserve your love. Yes, they're calorie-rich, but the calories pull their weight, being rich in healthy fats, fiber, and protein.

The protein and fats in some of these nuts help to curb hunger and the low-carb nature prevent dramatic blood-sugar spikes.

That means that even though they are calorie-dense, eating them can pay dividends by suppressing hunger longer and supporting ketosis (not to mention all the other health benefits).

According to a 2014 scientific review paper, eating almonds and peanuts may suppress hunger and keep you feeling full, longer[ * ].

According to another 2014 clinical trial, nuts can help maintain healthy blood sugar levels and improve glycemic control[ * ].

By reducing fluctuations in blood sugar levels, nuts can help reduce overeating and unwanted weight gain. On the other hand, they're pretty tasty, so control yourself.

Here are the top five low carb nuts ranked according to lowest carb count by one-ounce serving (28g).

1. Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are easily the most keto-friendly nut which is why you see them in so many keto recipes.

They're made up of 78% fats and, per 28g serving, contain 21g of fat and o nly 1g of net carbs.

The typeof fat in macadamia nuts also makes the nut stand out.

75% of the fats in macadamia nuts are monounsaturated fats  (the healthy fats) and they contain a rare omega-7 fatty acid called palmitoleic acid.

The other nutrients found in macadamia nuts make them a superfood. With:

  • 58% of your recommended daily intake (RDI) of manganese
  • 9% of your RDI of magnesium
  • 11% of your RDI of copper

Macs are packed full of essential vitamins and minerals. They're also rich in iron and vitamin B6. If any nut is a keto nut, it's this one.

Try Macadamia Nut Butter

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2. Pili Nuts

Pili nuts are a somewhat rare nut that come from the Philippines. With 22g of fat and 1.1g of carbs in a 28g serving, they're a high-fat, low-carb nut that many ketogenic dieters are embracing.

Pili nuts are a great source of magnesium and phosphorus and also contain Vitamin E, which can act as an antioxidant to boost the immune system and fight infection[*].

3. Pecans

One ounce of pecans has 1.2g of net carbs [ * ] . Net carbs are the number of carbohydrates in a food minus the fiber content.

Pecans are a good source of copper, manganese, potassium, vitamin E, protein, magnesium, zinc, and fiber. Plus, they contain ellagic acid and beta-carotene, antioxidants that can help reduce the free radical damage [ * ] .

According to a 2018 study, pecans may help protect against heart disease in obese and overweight people [ * ] . Additionally, these nuts have been associated with reduced risk of metabolic syndrome and mortality from premature death and type 2 diabetes. In the study, participants who ate pecans regularly for four weeks showed greater improvements in insulin resistance and beta-cell function than their counterparts who followed an American diet [ * ] .

Researchers believe that these low carb nuts enhance cardiovascular health due to their high-fat content. Pecans are loaded with polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats that help decrease inflammatory markers and cholesterol levels. Additionally, they pack loads of fiber and may improve insulin sensitivity. We use pecans with macadamias in FBOMB Nut Butters . Check em' out now!

How to Eat Pecans

You can add chopped pecans to your blueberry muffin or banana bread. Toss these nuts into your chicken salad, fruit salad, or leafy greens. Mix pecans into your guacamole dip. They're pretty versatile, so try experimenting and tell us where else to put our pecans.

4. Brazil Nuts

One ounce of Brazil nuts contains 1.3g of net carbs [ * ] . Brazil nuts are rich in thiamin, potassium, protein, copper, calcium, vitamin C, and vitamin E. In addition, they are an excellent source of the mineral selenium, which helps maintain a healthy immune system and helps produce enzymes and hormones [ * ] . Selenium may also help improve insulin resistance [ * ] .

Substituting Brazil nuts for processed foods may enhance your cardiovascular health and help you maintain a healthy weight, according to the American Heart Association [ * ] . Scientists have found that eating one ounce serving of nuts can significantly reduce the risk of obesity. These low carb nuts suppress your hunger without increasing your insulin or blood sugar levels.

How to Eat Brazil Nuts

You can add Brazil nuts to homemade trail mixes or granola. Or you can sprinkle these nuts on your regular meals.

5. Hazelnuts

One ounce of hazelnuts contains 2g of net carbs [ * ] . Hazelnuts are a valuable source of Vitamin K, Vitamin E, healthy fats, manganese, and fiber. They also contain numerous antioxidants that help fight inflammation in your body [ * ] . In addition, these nuts contain an amino acid called L-arginine that is a precursor to the neurotransmitter nitric oxide. Nitric oxide helps your blood vessels to widen and relax (but you already know this if you take pre-work supplements which also aim to do this to improve the pump while lifting).

Hazelnuts pack monounsaturated fats and fiber that keep your heart healthy. According to studies, a hazelnut-rich diet helps decrease bad cholesterol levels, reduce blood pressure, and decrease inflammation [ * ] .

How to Eat Hazelnuts

Eat them raw as a healthy snack. Enjoy them whole, sliced, or roasted too. You can coat hazelnuts with spices or chocolate to change it up.

6. Almonds

One ounce of almonds contains 2.7g of net carbs [ * ] . Almonds are a rich source of fiber that is good for your digestive system [ * ] . Plus, fiber promotes satiety and helps manage blood sugar levels.

According to a study reported in the Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, obese and overweight females who consumed 50g of almonds daily for three months experienced significant weight loss and substantial improvements in risk factors for heart disease compared to their counterparts who didn't consume nuts [ * ] .

How to Eat Almonds

You can add almonds to your salty and sweet dishes. You can also add them to smoothies, coleslaw, vegetable salads, and pesto. Substitute almond flour for grain flour to reduce your carb intake and get better quality fats in your diet. You can make pies, pizza dough, cakes, and tarts with almond meal.

7. Pistachios

One ounce of pistachios has 4.7g of net carbs [ * ] . These nuts are a must-have on a ketogenic diet. Pistachios are packed with B-complex vitamins, magnesium, fiber, and potassium that your body needs to function optimally.

Around 21% of these low carb nuts are protein [ * ] . Diets rich in protein have been associated with increased weight loss and a reduced risk of metabolic syndrome than regular standard diets [ * ] .

Pistachios are a good source of antioxidants, such as phenolic compounds, zeaxanthin, and lutein, that protect you from the effects of detrimental free radicals. They may also decrease bad low-density lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterol levels and increase good cholesterol (HDL) levels due to their high-fat content. A 2014 study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that pistachios may increase insulin sensitivity and decrease blood sugar levels post a meal [ * ] .

How to Enjoy Pistachios

Pistachios are famous for being eaten plain. Just throw em' in your mouth, crack the shells off with your teeth, and spit out the shells. Classic.

Go Nuts and Get Healthy

Nuts are great. And we love that they're a fantastic low carb option that packs a ton of health benefits. Plus they store and pack well—no need for refrigeration or sealed containers.

Almonds, pistachios, pecans, hazelnuts, and Brazil nuts are some of the best low carb nuts that you can get. Try adding these superfoods to your diet and tell us what you liked most on Facebook . See you there!

Should You Eat Nuts On A Low Carb Diet



Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Low Carb Diet

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Low Carb Diet

This post was updated on July 25th, 2021

The words "fat" and "bomb" conjure up a lot of mental imagery for me, so you can imagine how curious I was the first time I saw them used together as a noun. Was this a non-lethal deep-fried military weapon, or a sadistic prank in this seasons America's Next Top Model?

To my great disappointment it turned out to be neither, but discovering the ketogenic diet this way provided a consolation prize for my curiosity.

The Free 30 Day PCOS Diet Challenge with Kym Campbell

If we haven't met before, I'm Kym Campbell – the creator of the free 30 Day PCOS Diet Challenge. This is a live program that helps tens of thousands of women every year use evidence-based dietary changes to take back control of their PCOS. Being in this space means I meet a lot of well-read women that have either tried the keto diet for PCOS, or are thinking about doing so.

The Free 30 Day PCOS Diet Challenge with Kym Campbell

Lifelong battles with bodyweight are often the norm for women with PCOS so it comes as no surprise that we're often drawn to this diet. This high fat, low carb approach can have rapid and profound weight loss effects, but that doesn't mean it's the right diet for you. Especially if you have PCOS. While 'going keto' can pour kerosene into your fat-burning machinery, this weight loss diet has several inconvenient downsides.

Since I've made it my business to share the most helpful information for anyone wanting to treat their PCOS through diet and lifestyle interventions, it's important to me that you have all the facts.

While a quick google search will tell you a hundred reasons why the ketogenic diet is great, here's five reasons why you might want to think twice.

1. Most People Do A Keto Diet For PCOS Incorrectly

There's no question amongst my friends and family that I'm a grade A perfectionist. This is seldom a good thing, especially the first three times I unsuccessfully tried making gluten free, dairy free, egg free, pancakes. Cooking frustrates the heck out of me at the best of times, and the horrific mess I made to create burnt-on-the-outside, uncooked-on-the inside blobs of goop sent me spinning like Taz in a looney tunes cartoon.

For many of the women I meet in my PCOS support group, managing both the keto diet and PCOS correctly is an even harder accomplishment.

A typical ketogenic diet has you eating around 75% of calories from fat, 20% from protein and about 5% from carbs. This is the equivalent of approximately 25 grams of carbs per day for women that aren't super athletic.

Keto Diet for PCOS

By sticking to such a small amount of net carbohydrates, your body is tricked into ketosis – a metabolic starvation mode that gives this dietary approach its name. Rather than running on the normal glucose-based fuel cycle, like a high-tech hybrid, we start burning fat in the form of "ketone bodies" instead.

Well that's the theory anyway.

Because compliance is so difficult, most attempts at getting into ketosis result in people unknowingly failing to achieve the pre-requisite metabolic state. Even if you can get there, it's easy to fall out without realizing it thanks to all the barriers to successful keto dieting.

The first barrier to ketosis is the immediate side effects from carb withdrawal. It can take anywhere from two days to two weeks to enter ketosis and the transition period can be brutal. Discipline is everything, and you won't want to be underestimating how much you'll need. Known as the 'keto flu', you can expect to feel terrible for at least a couple of days when getting started. Symptoms include brain fog, headache, chills, sore throat, digestive issues, dizziness, insomnia, and irritability.

Keto Diet for PCOSIt's like how you'd feel if you had a math exam in the morning, followed by a public speech in the afternoon – except this time it's because your body thinks it's starving.

Depending on how well you were eating before trying the keto diet for PCOS, these flu-like symptoms can last for weeks. It only takes one bad decision throughout this period and boom, you're back to square one. Depending on your metabolic health, age, and activity levels, once you're out of ketosis for just one day, it can take you weeks to get back to where you were.

Sure doesn't sound like my idea of a good time…

Once you're through the first phase and have reached ketosis, the strict macro nutrient requirements pose a threat to you staying there. Depending on your insulin sensitivity, inadvertently consuming too much protein can drop you out of ketosis.

The biggest barrier however, is the fundamental restriction on carbs. Fruit consumption needs to be highly restricted and you can only eat non-starchy vegetables (not that there's anything unhealthy about eating lots of vegetables of course). Grains, legumes, and starchy vegetables are almost entirely off the menu meaning your ingredient options are drastically reduced. If you're trying to follow both a keto diet and PCOS dietary principles like avoiding gluten and dairy, then you really need to be creative in the kitchen.

Keto Diet for PCOS

I'm not saying that you can't go keto for PCOS and get great results from it, but unless you're a super well-informed food accountant, that's highly disciplined and pays for at-home blood ketone testing, it can be easy to slip out of ketosis without realizing it. For many women that have tried this approach, all these requirements are a little overwhelming and to me this makes it fairly impractical as a long-term weight loss solution.

2. A Keto Diet Makes It Harder To Quit Sugar

Back in the old days, when my PCOS was getting the better of me, if you gave me the choice between having my teeth pulled and taking away sugar, I would've thrown you a roll of dental floss and slid over to the nearest door handle.

It was my desire to start a family that eventually opened my mind to changing how I ate.

How To Get Pregnant With PCOS

While I only had a minimal appreciation for it at the time, after falling pregnant naturally following four years of unsuccessful fertility treatments, I now understand that quitting sugar is the single biggest dietary change you can make if you want to lose weight, get pregnant, or eliminate your other least favorite PCOS symptoms. In my particular case, this absolutely free dietary intervention proved far more effective than tens of thousands of dollars spent on IVF.

How To Get Pregnant With PCOS

This is because all sources of sugar, regardless of where they come from are essentially just a mixture of fructose and glucose. While readily available sources of glucose promote fat accumulation and the kind of inflammation that causes all of your PCOS symptoms, fructose is even worse.

I know it's hard to be mad, at such a sweet, sweet little molecule, but the fructose found in sugar gets processed only by the liver causing visceral fat, and a cascade of metabolic changes that's been associated with insulin resistance, weight gain, and liver disease (Johnson et al. 20171; Carvallo et al. 20172; Lustig 20133; Elliott et al. 20024).

Preliminary research on mice indicates excess fructose consumption can have an adverse effect on fertility (Gray et al. 201315; Saben et al. 201616) while other rodent studies suggest that excess consumption during pregnancy and lactation may have lasting implications on offspring (Gugliucci 201717).

Out of the tens of thousands of women from my free 30 Day PCOS Diet Challenge that I've helped through the sugar quitting process, I've never had a single report of someone not feeling better after successfully doing so for a couple of months. If you haven't tried it before, then you're really missing out.

Keto Diet for PCOS

If you have tried it though, and found it much too difficult, then you're clearly 100% normal.

Quitting sugar is without question, an incredibly difficult step to take. It took me a good couple of years to really get my head around why this was so valuable, as well as figuring out just how to do it in practice. As someone that was comfortably above the third standard deviation in their class when it came to pounding sugary foods, I can really resonate with people that find this idea either scary, overwhelming, or seemingly impossible.

Research has clearly demonstrated a number of similarities between food addiction and drug use disorders (Pivarunas et al. 20155) with it well documented that sugar is more addictive than cocaine – well for rats anyway (Ahmed et al. 20136).

Keto Diet for PCOSThere are many things you can do from behavioral to nutritional changes that can ease the discomfort of sugar withdrawals. Unfortunately for people on a keto PCOS diet though, one of these happens to be eating a small amount of low GI carbohydrate foods with every meal. This is something I introduce during my free 30 Day PCOS Diet Challenge as a helpful way to keep cravings to a minimum.

See where I'm going with this?

When you follow the ketogenic diet, you miss out on this valuable nutritional support. This means that not only is it more difficult to resist the temptation of that loud-mouth vending machine that keeps calling your name, but it also raises the stakes when you eventually cave to your instinctive desires. One survival Snickers later and not only are you unlikely to be satisfied, but you can also say goodbye to your ketogenic metabolism.

Keto and PCOS diets treat carbs slightly differently, but this difference really matters. Unlike the 25 g/day limit of the ketogenic diet, aiming for around 50 – 200 g/day of carbs is the sweet spot I recommend for women with PCOS that complete my diet and lifestyle programs. This leaves plenty of room for 1-2 servings of fruit as well as a small portion of gluten free grains, legumes, or starchy vegetables with every meal. This gives us the hormone balancing and weight loss benefits of the ketogenic diet, but it's much easier and more sustainable long term.

Keto Diet for PCOS

Jamie Bietzell, who was desperate to lose weight as she battled PCOS infertility, is a perfect case in point.

PCOS Pregnancy Success Story

After failing to achieve meaningful long terms results with the ketogenic diet as well as many others, Jamie signed up for my free 30 Day PCOS Diet Challenge. Within three months of adopting the PCOS friendly diet I helped her implement during this live event, Jamie started getting a regular period for the first time in years. By eating a small amount of carbs with her meals she was able to completely quit sugar and after five months she had lost 50 pounds. She went from a size 22 jean to a size 18, her A1c levels fell out of the diabetic range, and her blood pressure measurements showed she was no longer hypertensive.

A few months later her four-year battle with infertility ended with a healthy, happy, natural pregnancy. Results like these show you don't need to completely forgo carbs in order to transform your health and fertility.

Jamie gave birth on Christmas day, and she has kindly allowed me to share her celebratory announcement here.

PCOS Pregnancy Success Story

You can read a full account of her journey here.

PCOS Weight Loss Success Story

Karina, is another great example of how a small amount of carbs can make all the difference in quitting sugar. After taking part in my free 30 Day PCOS Diet Challenge, she was able to lose 60 pounds over a nine-month period by continuing to apply the things she learned. This was no easy feat for her as by all accounts Karina had a serious sugar addiction and she loved gluten-rich foods just as much – especially bread. But with the right information and support, a small amount of carbs, and some great determination, Karina was able to make an amazing health transformation that will serve her for the rest of her life.

PCOS Weight Loss Success Story

You can read her full story here.

3. It's The Opposite Of A Healthy Relationship With Food

The relationship between PCOS and disordered eating is well established in the scientific literature. This is a problem I see women struggling with on a daily basis in my PCOS Support Group and seems to be particularly prevalent amongst frequent "failed" dieters.

A big part of the problem is that the hormone dysregulation that characterizes PCOS is associated with increased appetite, impaired impulse control, and feelings of body dissatisfaction. These physiological effects commonly lead to binge eating, which in turn has been shown to make our PCOS symptoms worse (Paganini et al. 20187).

Keto Diet for PCOSIn an attempt to quantify these risks, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania found that women with PCOS were nearly five times as likely to have some kind of eating disorder – especially if they also suffer from anxiety or depression (Lee et al. 20178).

With disordered eating being such a common feature within our PCOS community, addressing our relationship with food is likely to be even more important than just learning about nutrition. For anyone that's spent most of their adult life battling their weight, breaking the "diet mentality" is often the best place to start.

The diet mentality is a way of thinking about food that requires rules and discipline, and has you thinking about your choices in terms of "good" and "bad" behavior. This is hard to avoid when going keto, as the demands of the diet require you to be overly attentive to every bite you eat if you want to stay in ketosis.

When you have a healthier relationship with food, you can trust your innate ability to eat wisely. And those rare occasions where things don't go as planned barely register as a minor bump on the road, rather than snow-balling into an obstacle that derails you. This is a core component of a PCOS friendly lifestyle and is a key success factor for the tens of thousands of women that do my free 30 Day PCOS Diet Challenge each year.

Keto Diet for PCOSJust to be clear, while I call it a PCOS diet for the sake of simplicity, I'm not actually describing a "diet" that requires a bunch of calorie restrictions. I use the term diet as something you "have" for life, rather than something you're "on" for a while. I know this sounds like I'm playing with words here, but hopefully you'll get the nuance I'm trying to describe.

A PCOS diet like the one I teach in my free live Challenge is a principle-centered approach that uses food as a long-term treatment for a chronic illness. You don't count calories or macros, and there's no negative consequences from "having a bad day" because this is part of the process. By subscribing to general principles that allow you the freedom to choose, you're working with, rather than against, your natural psychology. This is a fundamental difference between a PCOS and keto diet. With a PCOS diet, you're not being told what to do by a prescriptive set of rules that has you weighing your food, looking up databases, performing calculations, and doing daily measurements of your ketone production.

It's like the difference between someone who learns how to play the piano by rote versus a naturally gifted musician who plays by ear. The instrument, the music, and the sound may be similar but the effort and process is totally different. If there's one thing that we all have talent for, it's knowing what and how much to eat. We just need to get back in touch with this wonderful gift and let our bodies play out their melody.

Mari Intuitive Eating for PCOS

Some of my previous program participants do a much better job than me of explaining this succinctly, especially after completing the Intuitive Eating Module in my full 10 Week PCOS Program. This heart felt message was recently posted at the end of my last program and is published here with permission.

Mari Intuitive Eating for PCOS

This is what another participant, Bianca, said after a PCOS diet was able to help her lose 30 pounds, get off metformin, restore a regular period, and fall pregnant naturally after years of ill-health:

PCOS Pregnancy Success Story Pic

"One of the biggest things that changed as a result of Kym's 30 Day Challenge… is that I don't feel like I have to diet anymore. I just feel so in-sync with my body. I can listen to it and know what food it needs. Instead of thinking, "oh that will taste amazing" I think, "how is that going to affect my body?" This is my life now. I eat healthy and I make delicious foods that truly satisfy me."

PCOS Pregnancy Success Story Pic

Bianca talks about some of the specific steps she took (including her approach to carbs) in her full success story here.

While I think it can be useful to learn about macro ratios, this is to help with long term trends in the kinds of food we eat rather than as a strict set of rules that must be obeyed. Due to the way it works, the same can't be said for the keto diet where austere rules and military grade discipline are non-negotiable if you want to stay in ketosis. This is why I say a PCOS and ketogenic diet, while clearly similar, are very different psychologically.

To me, a keto diet is the opposite of a healthy relationship with food.

In defense of this approach, the ketogenic diet is often not supposed to be a permanent solution (unless you have epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, or a range of other relatively rare diagnoses). As far as I'm aware, there are few to no credible experts recommending a keto diet for PCOS as a long-term solution.

So, if you're looking for another short-term gig to get your weight down, the keto approach can certainly be a powerful intervention if done correctly. But for anyone wanting long-term freedom from the diet mentality, PCOS weight gain, infertility, or any of the other common PCOS symptoms, then the keto diet is probably not for you.

4. A Keto PCOS Diet Is Not Balanced Nutritionally

Given all the dietary restrictions of a keto PCOS diet, it can easily lead to poor nutrient status.

The ketogenic diet is known to be nutritionally imbalanced and has the potential to cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies that include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and selenium (Bergqvist et al. 20039; Arslan et al. 201710). As I explain in my free PCOS Nutrient Inadequacies Guide, women with PCOS already have elevated risks for various deficiencies, and it's likely that a keto PCOS diet would make matters worse rather than better.

Keto Diet for PCOSAnother key problem is its effects on the gut microbiome. While I'm sure there are good keto dieters that have plenty of solutions to this problem, for a lot of women trying the keto diet for PCOS, it's common to consume inadequate amounts of fermentable, prebiotic fibers such as pectin, inulin and oligofructose. This makes perfect sense when you consider the limitations on fruits, starchy vegetables, and legumes that are generally rich sources of the prebiotic fiber our gut bacteria rely on.

Experienced clinicians have commented on the prevalence of gut dysbiosis markers in patients following the ketogenic diet, and speculate that this could open the door for pathogens to colonize the gut11. In addition, recent evidence has linked a diet low in fermentable fibers to inflammatory diseases like PCOS (Sonnenburg et al. 201412). As someone who grew up fairly nonchalant when it came to eating greens, this was one of the three reasons that convinced me to be more intentional when it came to eating vegetables.

As I describe here, the microbiome plays a role in almost every element of our health, mental wellness, and even our food preferences. Given so much is at stake, cultivating a healthy gut is an essential aspect of a PCOS friendly lifestyle, and there seems to be little evidence that a ketogenic diet is helpful in this regard.

Katrina is a perfect case in point. After the birth of her daughter, Katrina had gained 50 pounds and felt like she was losing her femininity. She had tried the keto diet (among others), and while she could lose weight on them it always came back, and it did nothing to help with her irregular periods, inflammation, or her unwanted facial hair.

After taking part in my free 30 Day PCOS Diet Challenge Katrina started following my PCOS diet principles. Rather than cutting out carbs entirely, she just got smarter about how she ate them like lowering the amount she ate and swapping sweet potatoes and zoodles for French fries and pasta.

PCOS Success Story

Fast forward a few months and not only was Katrina sleeping better, feeling stronger, seeing improvements to the texture of her skin, and no longer suffering from acid reflux, but she also lost 19 pounds and fell pregnant naturally despite having suffered from secondary infertility. Katrina went on to have a "wonderful, energetic pregnancy", which was such a relief for her as she had previously suffered from gestational diabetes while pregnant with her first child.

PCOS Success Story

Katrina wrote an absolutely beautiful and inspiring summary of her journey, which you can read here.

5. There Is A Better Solution Than Going Keto For PCOS

I think it's fair to say that a ketogenic diet is a means to an end. For most women with PCOS this either means weight loss and improving your metabolic health, getting a regular period again, overcoming infertility, fixing hair and skin problems, or a combination of these objectives.

While the ketogenic diet may offer some short-term relief, for the vast majority of women, it's simply not a good long-term solution. Especially when a PCOS diet can get you results that are just as good.

The most important thing to understand when trying to address any PCOS related problem is the difference between underlying mechanisms and presenting symptoms. The roots, or underlying causes of the PCOS tree, are made from elevated androgenic hormones (like testosterone), and diet-induced inflammation (Gonzalez et al. 201213). Insulin resistance is like the trunk (Gonzalez 201214), which supports the presenting symptoms.

Keto Diet for PCOS

Out on the main branches you have unfair weight gain and poor ovarian function, with everything else being out on a limb. You don't need to be an arborist to know that digging up the roots, while by far the most difficult approach, is also the best way to knock that tree down for good. This is why a PCOS friendly diet that focuses on reducing inflammation is so successful for treating this disorder. When we embrace a PCOS diet, we avoid pro-inflammatory foods like those in this Foods to Avoid checklist, and we include nutrient dense whole foods like those in this PCOS Diet Cheat sheet.

Unlike when you attempt the keto diet, you don't actually need to eliminate carbs to beat PCOS. In fact, eating low carb, and slow carb, from wholefood sources allows you to lose weight sustainably while promoting a healthy relationship with food. It's nutritionally balanced, far easier to implement and I've seen thousands of women have amazing success with this approach.

Kendall Weight Loss PCOS Success Story

Kendall for example, lost 100 pounds over a three-year period simply by eating in accordance with these principles. As well as this outstanding demonstration of the sustainability of a PCOS friendly lifestyle for weight loss, Kendall managed to fix all her other symptoms as a result of the changes she made.

Kendall Weight Loss PCOS Success Story

If you're considering the keto diet because you're trying to get pregnant, then hopefully the nutritional deficiencies I described in Reason #4 are enough to make you question this approach. By comparison a PCOS diet is a much safer way to go and it's been shown time and time again to produce healthy happy pregnancies.

PCOS Pregnancy Success Story

Nellsy Martinez was able to overcome four years of infertility after making a slow but intentional transition to the kind of diet she learned during my free 30 Day PCOS Diet Challenge. Nellsy is a very active participant in my PCOS Support Facebook Group and was happy for me to share this touching post she wrote shortly after the birth of her daughter.

PCOS Pregnancy Success Story

Pregnancy Success Story

Alisha P also relied on a PCOS diet to help her fall pregnant. Despite the calls from her OB and endocrinologist to take metformin and clomid, Alisha believed there had to be a better way. She took her fate into her own hands and focused on both learning and applying a PCOS diet. Alisha had not had a period in over 8 months, yet suddenly she starting getting them on time. Within only a couple of months after finishing my in-depth 10 Week PCOS Program she had lost 30 pounds and fallen pregnant naturally – just as she'd always hoped for.

Pregnancy Success Story

You can read her full story here told in her own words.

If I've convinced you by now that the keto diet may not be right for you and like these inspiring women, you're open to using dietary interventions to tackle your PCOS head on, then I have a couple of free resources to get you started. A good place to begin is this 3 Day PCOS Meal Plan. This will give you a feel for the kinds of normal meals you can enjoy while treating your PCOS. I would also suggest putting a copy of this PCOS Diet Cheat Sheet on your refrigerator door and trying to avoid foods on this PCOS Foods to Avoid Checklist.

For a more immersive experience though, I also recommend signing up for my next free 30 Day PCOS Diet Challenge. During this live event, I'll send you a series of video lessons, daily challenges, as well as weekly meal plans, recipes and shopping lists. Unlike trying to get into ketosis, my 30 Day Challenge is EASIER than you think, and I can guarantee you'll both see and feel the difference if you embrace this type of diet.

This live Challenge is a great thing to be a part of, as it gives me the chance to show you how beatable your PCOS really is. It doesn't matter how ambitious your health goals are, with enough time and the right information, I believe anyone can overcome this disorder without going to the extreme of a ketogenic diet. The right PCOS diet truly is the safest and most effective long-term solution and it's the only prescription you can fill without anyone's consent but your own.

I run the Challenge four times a year so I hope you'll come join us soon.

xo Kym



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1Johnson, Richard J.; Sanchez-Lozada, Laura G.; Andrews, Peter; et al. Perspective: A Historical and Scientific Perspective of Sugar and Its Relation with Obesity and Diabetes. ADVANCES IN NUTRITION, 2017.

2Carvallo, Pamela; Carvallo, Eugenia; Barbosa-da-Silva, Sandra; et al. NAFLD and High Fructose Intake. A Review of Literature. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY, 2017.

3Lustig, Robert H. Fructose: It's "Alcohol Without the Buzz". Conference: Symposium on Fructose, Sucrose and High Fructose Corn Syrup – Modern Scientific Findings and Health Implications held at the ASN Scientific Sessions and Annual Meeting at Experimental Biology Location: San Diego, CA Date: APR 22, 2012. ADVANCES IN NUTRITION, 2013.

4Elliott, SS; Keim, NL; Stern, JS; et al. Fructose, weight gain, and the insulin resistance syndrome. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION, 2002.

5Pivarunas, Bernadette; Conner, Bradley T. Impulsivity and emotion dysregulation as predictors of food addiction. EATING BEHAVIORS, 2015.

6Ahmed, Serge H.; Guillem, Karine; Vandaele, Youna. Sugar addiction: pushing the drug-sugar analogy to the limit. CURRENT OPINION IN CLINICAL NUTRITION AND METABOLIC CARE, 2013.

7Paganini, Chiara; Peterson, Gregory; Stavropoulos, Vasilis; et al. The Overlap between Binge Eating Behaviors and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: An Etiological Integrative Model. CURRENT PHARMACEUTICAL DESIGN, 2018.

8Lee, Iris; Cooney, Laura G.; Saini, Shailly; et al. Increased risk of disordered eating in polycystic ovary syndrome. FERTILITY AND STERILITY, 2017.

9Bergqvist, AGC; Chee, CM; Lutchka, L; et al. Selenium deficiency associated with cardiomyopathy: A complication of the ketogenic diet. EPILEPSIA, 2003.

10Arslan, Nur; Kose, Engin; Guzel, Orkide. The Effect of Ketogenic Diet on Serum Selenium Levels in Patients with Intractable Epilepsy. BIOLOGICAL TRACE ELEMENT RESEARCH, 2017.

11Revolution Health Radio with Chris Kresser. You Are What Your Bacteria Eat: The Importance of Feeding Your Microbiome – With Jeff Leach. Podcast Episode, 20 November 2013.

12Sonnenburg, Erica D.; Sonnenburg, Justin L. Starving our Microbial Self: The Deleterious Consequences of a Diet Deficient in Microbiota-Accessible Carbohydrates. CELL METABOLISM, 2014.

13Gonzalez, Frank; Nair, K. Sreekumaran; Daniels, Janice K.; et al. Hyperandrogenism sensitizes mononuclear cells to promote glucose-induced inflammation in lean reproductive-age women. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM, 2012.

14Gonzalez, Frank. Inflammation in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Underpinning of insulin resistance and ovarian dysfunction, STEROIDS 2012.

15Gray, Clint; Long, Sophie; Green, Charlotte; et al. Maternal Fructose and/or Salt Intake and Reproductive Outcome in the Rat: Effects on Growth, Fertility, Sex Ratio, and Birth Order. BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION, 2013.

16Saben, Jessica L.; Asghar, Zeenat; Rhee, Julie S.; et al. Excess Maternal Fructose Consumption Increases Fetal Loss and Impairs Endometrial Decidualization in Mice. ENDOCRINOLOGY, 2016.

17Gugliucci, Alejandro. Maternal fructose consumption can affect offspring metabolic outcomes. JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON, 2017.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Low Carb Diet



Low Carb Diet For Dogs With Diabetes

Low Carb Diet For Dogs With Diabetes

Unfortunately, dogs can suffer from a number of the same health problems that people do. One of the most common and serious examples is canine diabetes — a disease characterized by improper pancreas function.

Without a healthy pancreas, your dog will have trouble regulating his blood sugar levels. Left untreated, diabetes can cause very serious complications and even death. So, you'll always want to work with your vet to keep your dog as healthy as possible and feed him a food that provides the kind of nutrition a diabetic dog needs.

  • #1 Ketona Chicken Recipe Dog Food [Best Overall Food for Diabetic Dogs]: A specially designed, ketogenic diet designed to help keep blood sugar levels low.
  • #2 Yumwoof Perfect Kibble [Best-Tasting Food for Diabetic Dogs]: A great-tasting, low-carb dog food that's slow-cooked and made with human-grade ingredients.
  • #3 Instinct Original Wet Dog Food [Lowest Carbohydrate Canned Food for Diabetic Dogs]: A high-protein, low-carb canned option that's great for dogs struggling with diabetes.

What Is Doggie Diabetes?

diabetic foods for dogs

For the most part, diabetes affects dogs and humans in similar ways.

When food is eaten, it is broken down by the body into its constituent parts — primarily fats, proteins and sugars (glucose). A little while later, the pancreas releases a hormone called insulin; insulin helps the body process the glucose.

However, sometimes the pancreas stops producing insulin or the body's cells fail to respond to it in the proper way. The former problem is referred to as Type I diabetes, while the latter is known as Type II diabetes. Both types are very serious and ultimately manifest in a relatively similar way: The body cannot process glucose properly.

Type I diabetes — the most common form to occur in dogs – is thought to occur when an autoimmune disease attacks the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. No one knows exactly why this occurs, although there does appear to be a strong genetic link.

Type II diabetes, on the other hand, is often associated with obesity and other factors. Essentially, the body produces so much insulin that the cells become desensitized to the hormone.

In either case, the glucose in the body cannot be used effectively, which can lead to a litany of health problems. Accordingly, diabetes must be considered a very serious condition.

While treatments for both types of diabetes exist, there is no cure – diabetes is a life-long condition.

Diabetes & Your Dog's Diet

Your dog's diet may require some tweaking upon receiving a diagnosis of diabetes.

diabetic dog foods

It will be important to monitor his caloric intake carefully, and many vets will recommend a low-carb, high-fiber food.

Dr. Jeff Werber, chief veterinarian of the Century Veterinary Group in Los Angeles, California, recommends that owners pick a food that has 20 – 25% carbohydrate content on a dry matter basis.

This will help prevent blood sugar spikes, which is imperative when caring for a diabetic pooch. Foods that do not trigger a blood sugar spike are said to have a low glycemic index.

High fiber content also helps in this regard, as it reduces the rate at which glucose is released into the blood stream. It also takes up space in the digestive tract, making your pooch feel full for longer.

There are a few prescription diets made for diabetic dogs, but many diabetic dogs will be fine with a regular, high-quality dog food. You'll need to discuss the issue with your vet to know for sure.

The Best Diabetic Dog Foods

dog food

Let's be very clear: Diabetes is a serious medical condition and you must work closely with your vet when selecting a food for your pooch.

However, many owners find it necessary to experiment with different foods until they find one that is not only helpful for regulating their pet's blood sugar levels, but also palatable and easy for their dog to digest.

Accordingly, we present the following foods as some potential options for your diabetic pet.

Each one possesses the general traits that characterize good foods for diabetic dogs, but always discuss any potential dietary changes with your vet and defer to his or her expertise when making a selection.

Also note that some of the foods listed below may not be available without a prescription.

1. Ketona Chicken Recipe Dog Food

About: Ketona Chicken Recipe Dog Food is a scientifically formulated dog food designed to have a very low carbohydrate content.

In fact, this recipe only contains 5% digestible carbohydrate content, 0.5% sugars, and a whopping 46% protein, making it a very intriguing option for diabetic dogs. The only downside is the price — it's quite expensive.

Best Overall Diabetic Dog Food

Ketona Chicken Recipe Dry Dog Food 4.2 Pounds - Low Carb, High Protein, Grain-Free Dog Food (4.2 lb)

Ketona Chicken Recipe Dog Food

A specially designed ketogenic dog food made with premium, all-natural ingredients.


  • American-raised, GMO-free chicken is the first listed ingredient
  • Contains 46% protein (Guaranteed Analysis)
  • Formulated without corn, soy, wheat, or potatoes
  • Made in the USA

Ingredients List

Chicken, Pea Protein, Ground Green Peas, Oat Hulls (Source of Fiber), Chicken Fat (Preserved with Mixed Tocopherols)... ,

Flaxseed Meal, Phosphoric Acid, Gelatin, Chicken Liver Digest, Calcium Carbonate, Salt, Pea Fiber, Potassium Chloride, Choline Chloride, Vitamine E Supplement, Niacin Supplement, Thiamine Mononitrate, Calcium Pantothenate, Vitamin A Supplement, Sunflower Oil, Vegetable Oil, Citric Acid (Preservative), Ascorbic Acid, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Riboflavin Supplement, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Biotin, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Folic Acid Supplement, Zinc Proteinate, Iron Proteinate, Copper Proteinate, Manganese Proteinate, Iodine Proteinate, Sodium Selenite, Potassium Sorbate (Preservative), Lecithin, Mixed Tocopherols (Preservative), Rosemary Extract.


  • Contains the lowest carb content of any mainstream kibble we've found
  • Several owners found it helpful in preventing blood sugar spikes
  • Most dogs seem to like the taste
  • Great protein content


  • This is a very expensive kibble for a non-prescription option
  • Contains no probiotics — this is similar to many others, but given its price, we'd like them included

2. Yumwoof Perfect Kibble

About: Just because your dog is diabetic doesn't mean he has to put up with bad-tasting food! Yumwoof's Perfect Kibble is a slow-cooked food that's not only low in carbs (16% of the food's dry matter), but it's also made with premium ingredients to ensure your diabetic doggo still gets to enjoy dinnertime.

Best-Tasting Option for Diabetic Dogs

Perfect Kibble

Yumwoof Perfect Kibble

A slow-cooked, great-tasting dog food designed by a nutritionist and NYC chef.


  • One of the few shelf-stable foods made with human-grade ingredients
  • Features antioxidant-rich "superfoods," including pumpkin and blueberries
  • Slow-cooked in a USDA kitchen featuring only US-sourced ingredients
  • Contains more MCT (a type of healthy fat) than any other dog food

Ingredients List

Fresh Beef, Eggs, Organic Coconut Oil, Coconut Glycerin, Flaxseed, Carrots... ,

Gluten-Free Oats, Blueberries, Cranberries, Chia Seeds, Seaweed, Beef Liver, Pumpkin, Vitamins and Minerals


  • Slow-cooked for a taste dogs love
  • Low carbohydrate content helps prevent blood sugar spikes
  • Contains no peas or legumes, which may be correlated with DCM in some dogs


  • Though more affordable than fresh foods, this kind of quality comes at a price
  • No probiotics are included, but you can always add Yumwoof's probiotic supplement
  • A small number of dogs were initially perplexed by the texture, but most learn to love it

3. Hill's Prescription Diet W/D

About: Hill's Prescription Diet W/D is a prescription dog food that is specifically designed for dogs with digestive difficulties, weight management problems, or blood-sugar issues.

You'll need a prescription from your vet to purchase this food, but that doesn't mean you have to buy it directly from your vet — you can get it from Amazon or Chewy with a prescription from your vet (and often at a better price than your veterinarian offers).

Best Prescription Option for Diabetic Dogs


Hill's Prescription Diet W/D

A prescription dog food designed for dogs with weight or blood sugar issues.


  • High levels of L-carnitine help to speed up your dog's metabolism
  • Contains moderate fiber levels to help keep your pup full between meals
  • Made in the USA

Ingredients List

Whole grain wheat, whole grain corn, powdered cellulose, chicken meal, corn gluten meal... ,

whole grain sorghum, soybean oil, pork liver flavor, lactic acid, Carmel color, potassium chloride, glyceryl monosterate, chalice chloride, vita E, L-ascorbyl-2, polyphosphate, niacin, thiamine mononitrate, calcium pantothenate, pyridoxine chloride, vitamin A, vitamin B12, Riboflavin supplement, zinc oxide, copper sulfate, manganous oxide, calcium iodate , sodium serenity, turbine, L-carnitine, calcium sulfate, DL-methionine, tryptophan. L-threonine. Mixed tocopherols for freshness. Beta-carotene.


  • Many owners found that this food did exactly what they wanted — it reduced their dog's blood sugar levels
  • This food helped some dogs lose weight
  • Several dogs digested this food better than some other options


  • No whole is protein included
  • Only available with a prescription
  • Very expensive, though it's comparable to many other prescription dog foods

4. Orijen Grain-Free

About: Orijen Grain-Free is a highly regarded dog food with very impressive amounts of protein and an extremely low carbohydrate content, making it worthy of serious consideration for diabetic canines.

Best Mainstream Kibble for Diabetic Dogs

Orijen Dry Dog Food for All ages, Original, Grain Free, High Protein, Fresh & Raw Animal Ingredients, 25lb, Blue, 25 Pound (Pack of 1), 400 Ounce

Orijen Grain-Free

A low-carb, protein-rich option that includes organs, cartilage, bones, and probiotics.


  • 20% carbohydrates & 38% protein
  • 85% of the content is meat-based; 15% is provided by produce
  • Contains no grain, tapioca, or plant protein concentrates.
  • Includes fresh meat, organs, cartilage, and bone
  • Made in the USA

Ingredients List

Fresh chicken meat (13%), fresh turkey meat (7%), fresh cage-free eggs (7%), fresh chicken liver (6%), fresh whole herring (6%)... ,

fresh whole flounder (5%), fresh turkey liver (5%), fresh chicken necks (4%), fresh chicken heart (4%), fresh turkey heart (4%), chicken (dehydrated, 4%), turkey (dehydrated, 4%), whole mackerel (dehydrated, 4%), whole sardine (dehydrated, 4%), whole herring (dehydrated, 4%), whole red lentils, whole green lentils, whole green peas, lentil fibre, whole chickpeas, whole yellow peas, whole pinto beans, whole navy beans, herring oil (1%), chicken fat (1%), chicken cartilage (1%), chicken liver (freeze-dried), turkey liver (freeze-dried), fresh whole pumpkin, fresh whole butternut squash, fresh whole zucchini, fresh whole parsnips, fresh carrots, fresh whole Red Delicious apples, fresh whole Bartlett pears, fresh kale, fresh spinach, fresh beet greens, fresh turnip greens, brown kelp, whole cranberries, whole blueberries, whole Saskatoon berries, chicory root, turmeric root, milk thistle, burdock root, lavender, marshmallow root, rosehips, enterococcus faecium. ADDITIVES (per kg): Nutritional additives: Zinc chelate: 100 mg.


  • Contains a very low carbohydrate content for a traditional kibble
  • Made with several "superfoods" that provide other health benefits
  • Formulated with probiotics to support proper digestion
  • Contains tons of protein


  • Like many of the other best foods for diabetic dogs, this is a pricey option
  • Multi-protein dog foods aren't a great choice for dogs with food allergies

5. Acana Appalachian Ranch

About: Acana Appalachian Ranch is an extremely high-quality, protein-packed dog food with a relatively low carbohydrate content for a mainstream food of just 32% (GA).

Best Protein-Rich Recipe

Acana Grain Free Dry Dog Food, High Protein, Freeze-Dried Coated, Beef, Pork, Lamb, Bison, and Fish, 25lb

Acana Appalachian Ranch

A protein-packed dog food made with a variety of deboned meats and meat meals.


  • Deboned beef, deboned pork, deboned lamb, lamb meal, beef meal, pork meal are the first 6 ingredients
  • 70% fresh, raw, or dried animal ingredients, along with vegetables, fruits, and botanicals.
  • Made in the USA

NOTE: We calculated the carbohydrate percentage using the Guaranteed Analysis data provided by the manufacturer. However, the amount of ash present was not provided. Ultimately, this means that the carbohydrate count may be even lower than what is recored here.

Ingredients List

Deboned beef, deboned pork, deboned lamb, lamb meal, beef meal... ,

pork meal, whole green peas, red lentils, pinto beans, beef liver, beef fat, catfish meal, chickpeas, green lentils, whole yellow peas, deboned bison, whole catfish, herring oil, lentil fiber, natural pork flavor, beef tripe, lamb tripe, lamb liver, pork liver, beef kidney, pork kidney, pork cartilage, dried kelp, whole pumpkin, whole butternut squash, kale, spinach, mustard greens, collard greens, turnip greens, carrots, apples, pears, freeze-dried beef liver, freeze-dried lamb liver, freeze-dried pork liver*, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, zinc proteinate, mixed tocopherols (preservative), chicory root, turmeric, sarsaparilla root, althea root, rosehips, juniper berries, dried Lactobacillus acidophilus fermentation product, dried Bifidobacterium animalis fermentation product, dried Lactobacillus casei fermentation product.


  • This food contains a staggering amount of protein
  • The protein-and-produce heavy recipe is great for diabetic dogs
  • Contains several "superfoods" that may provide additional health benefits


  • While lower than some other mainstream dog food options, this food contains more carbs than many other options listed here
  • It's very expensive
  • Multiple proteins may be a problem for dogs with food allergies
  • This is a grain-free option, which may present heart health risks

6. Instinct Original Wet Dog Food

About: Instinct Original Grain-Free Canned Food is an extremely low-carb option that may be a good choice for some diabetic dogs.

Lowest Carbohydrate Canned Food for Diabetic Dogs

diabetic dog foods

Instinct Original Wet Dog Food

A grain-free dog dinner with plenty of protein and very few carbohydrates.


  • Made with real beef and venison
  • Contains no grains
  • 6% estimated carbohydrate content (dry matter basis)
  • Made in the USA

Ingredients List

Beef, Venison, Beef Broth, Beef Liver, Ground Flaxseed... ,

Montmorillonite Clay, Peas, Carrots, Potassium Chloride, Minerals (Zinc Proteinate, Iron Proteinate, Copper Proteinate, Manganese Proteinate, Sodium Selenite, Cobalt Proteinate, Potassium Iodide), Menhaden Fish Oil (preserved with Mixed Tocopherols), Salt, Choline Chloride, Vitamins (Vitamin E Supplement, Thiamine Mononitrate, Niacin Supplement, d-Calcium Pantothenate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Riboflavin Supplement, Vitamin A Supplement, Biotin, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Folic Acid), L-Ascorbyl-2-Polyphosphate, Artichokes, Cranberries, Pumpkin, Tomato, Blueberries, Broccoli, Cabbage, Kale, Parsley


  • This food has the lowest carbohydrate content we could find
  • Unlike most other canned foods, this one contains an array of fruits and vegetables
  • Protein-rich recipe


  • Contains more fat than most owners like
  • Like other canned options, it can be expensive to use this as your dog's primary food

7. Wellness CORE Natural Grain-Free Canned Food

About: Wellness CORE Grain-Free Canned Food is another protein-rich recipe that is also low in carbohydrates.

Made with several different proteins and an assortment of delicious and nutritious fruits and vegetables, this grain-free food may help some owners regulate their dog's blood sugar levels.

Best Premium Canned Option

Dog food for diabetic dogs

Wellness CORE Natural Grain-Free Canned Food

A grain-free, low-carb canned food that's designed to support metabolic function.


  • Mineral levels specifically formulated to support overall metabolic function
  • Made without corn, soy, or wheat
  • 50% protein and only 8% carbohydrate content on a dry matter basis
  • Made in the USA

Ingredients List

Whitefish, Chicken, Chicken Liver, Salmon Broth, Salmon... ,

Herring, Sweet Potatoes, Ground Flaxseed, Guar Gum, Carrageenan,


  • Contains a very low carbohydrate content
  • It is absolutely bursting with protein content
  • Most dogs love the taste and digested this food without issue


  • This is an expensive food — even when compared to other canned options
  • As always, caution is required when selecting a grain-free food (though the benefits may outweigh the risks for diabetic dogs)

8. Taste of the Wild Southwest Canyon Canned Dog Food

About: Taste of the Wild Southwest Canyon is a low-carb canned food that is bursting with protein (it contains 50% protein on a dry matter basis). In fact, this recipe contains several different proteins, including beef, lamb and wild boar.

Best Multi-Protein Canned Dog Food

Taste of the Wild

Taste of the Wild Southwest Canyon

A low-carb, multi-protein canned food with antioxidant-rich fruits and veggies.


  • Carbohydrate content of only 20% on a dry matter basis
  • Made with antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables
  • Made in the USA
  • Appropriate for all life stages

Ingredients List

Beef, beef broth, vegetable broth, beef liver, dried egg product... ,

Peas, potato starch, lamb, wild boar, chickpea flour, guar gum, tricalcium phosphate, natural flavor, sunflower oil, sodium phosphate, salt, potassium chloride, inulin, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, blueberries, raspberries, flaxseed oil (preserved with mixed tocopherols), choline chloride, yucca schidigera extract, fish oil (preserved with mixed tocopherols), zinc amino acid chelate, iron amino acid chelate, vitamin E supplement, copper amino acid chelate, manganese amino acid chelate, sodium selenite, thiamine mononitrate, cobalt amino acid chelate, niacin supplement, d-calcium pantothenate, vitamin A supplement, riboflavin supplement, biotin, vitamin B12 supplement, potassium iodide, pyridoxine hydrochloride, vitamin D3 supplement, folic acid, rosemary extract.


  • Features a low carbohydrate content
  • Protein-rich formula
  • Relatively affordable for a canned product
  • Appeared very palatable to most dogs


  • Contains multiple protein sources; some owners consider this a "pro," but it can be a problem for dogs with food allergies
  • A lot of owners reported that the food made their dog very gassy
Diabetic Dog Foods

Important Considerations When Selecting a Diabetic Dog Food

There are a lot of high-fiber, low-fat foods on the market, but that doesn't mean they're all good. In fact, several have very troubling traits that should cause you to look elsewhere.

Look for Products Manufactured in a Country with Rigorous Safety Protocols

Different countries have different food safety guidelines, and this is especially true of pet foods.

To increase your chances of providing your dog with a safe, adulterant-free food, try to pick one manufactured in one of the following countries:

  • USA
  • Canada
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • England
  • France
  • Germany

Avoid Foods Listing a Carbohydrate as the First Ingredient

Dogs require meat-based diets to look, feel, and act their best, so you always want to use a food that lists a whole protein, such as deboned chicken or fish, as the first ingredient.

Carbohydrates are obviously important components of any dog food, but they should occur farther down the list. Remember, you are ideally looking for a food with a carbohydrate content below 25%.

Not all carbohydrates are created equally either. For example, while there is nothing particularly "wrong" with corn, it isn't the best carbohydrate for dog foods — especially in the case of diabetic dogs. Instead, try to look for foods that utilize carbs like brown rice or bran.

Never Use Foods Containing Unidentified Meat Meals or Byproducts

Although they may seem disgusting to pet owners, meat meals and animal byproducts can be nutritious ingredients.

However, meat meals should not be the first listed ingredient (you still want a whole protein to be the leading ingredient in any food), and they must be properly identified.

For example, chicken byproducts are usually acceptable ingredients; generically labelled animal byproducts are not. Some of these poorly identified meat meals and byproducts may contain protein from very unsavory, and potentially dangerous, sources.

Purchase Foods that Feature all the Nutrients and Supplements Your Dog Needs

Most modern dog foods – particularly premium options – are formulated to contain the proper mix of vitamins and minerals, but health isn't just about vitamins and minerals.

Your dog may need other things in his diet to stay healthy. For example, many good dog foods include antioxidant-rich ingredients, which can help ensure your dog's immune system performs as it should.

Other foods contain supplements like chondroitin or glucosamine, which help protect your dog's joints. Additionally, probiotic supplements are included in many foods to help regulate your dog's digestive system and improve his ability to digest his food.

Avoid Foods with Artificial Additives

Many sub-standard dog foods rely on artificial colors and artificial flavors to help make the food look and taste more appealing.

However, these substances may trigger dog food allergies or other health challenges, and they should be avoided whenever possible. Besides, foods made with high-quality ingredients are typically delicious without these additives.

Diet for Diabetic Dogs

How to Calculate the Carbohydrate Percentage of Your Dog's Food

Much to the frustration of any owner with a diabetic dog, the carbohydrate percentage is not often displayed on dog food packaging.

Luckily, there is a way you can calculate the amount of carbohydrates in your dog's food using the provided information in the Guaranteed Analysis (GA) section.

  1. Add up the percentages of protein, fat, moisture, and ash recorded in the GA.
  2. Subtract that amount from 100.
  3. That is the percentage of carbohydrates present in the dog food.

One small issue though: the amount of ash isn't usually listed in the Guaranteed Analysis. However, this amount usually ranges from 5% to 8%.

Since we could not get the definitive carb count for some recipes using the GA, the carbohydrate percentage may actually be lower than what we've recorded (we've noted which foods that may be true for below).

In some cases, other sources have provided the carbohydrate percentage; when such data was available, we've used it.

Dog Diabetes Symptoms: Potential Red Flags

Unfortunately, some of the early signs of diabetes are quite subtle and easy to miss. This is yet another reason it is imperative to pay close attention to your dog – he can't tell you when something's wrong, he needs you to spot these symptoms for him.

Some of the most common signs that indicate the possibility of diabetes include the following:

  • Increased thirst
  • Increase urination
  • Appetite changes
  • Unexpected weight loss
  • Fruity breath
  • Unexplained fatigue
  • Depression
  • Chronic skin or yeast infections
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Cataracts

These aren't the only dog diabetes symptoms you may notice, but they are among the most common.

If your dog exhibits any of the symptoms discussed above, seek veterinary assistance promptly. Some dogs are already so sick by the time they get to the vet's office that they require hospitalization to stabilize them.

Try to avoid this at all costs to give your pup the best chance of recovering.

How Is Diabetes in Dogs Treated?

Most often, diabetic dogs will require regular blood testing and insulin injections to remain healthy. This will ensure that your dog's blood contains enough insulin to properly process the glucose present.

best dog food for diabetes

Don't worry: These procedures are easier than they sound, and your vet will help teach you how to do them safely.

Some dogs can get by with oral medications, which are obviously easier to administer.

Your vet will probably also encourage you to ensure your pup remains active, as exercise can provide important benefits for diabetic dogs.

The amount of exercise you'll need to provide your pet with will vary from one dog to the next. Some may only need regular walks around the neighborhood, while others will require more intense exercise to remain healthy.

Complications of the Early and Final Stages of Diabetes in Dogs

Diabetes is certainly a serious condition, so you'll want to follow your vet's advice very closely to give your dog the best chance of living a long, healthy life.

In fact, if not properly managed, canine diabetes can cause a number of serious health problems or even death. A few of the most important complications of the disease include the following:

  • Cataracts — Diabetic dogs often develop cataracts over time, which typically leads to partial or complete blindness. However, cataracts can often be addressed surgically to restore a dog's eyesight.
  • Diabetic Retinopathy — This condition occurs when a dog's diabetes triggers changes in the blood vessels that provide blood flow to the eye. In some cases, treatments for this condition are possible.
  • Insulin Overdose — If you administer too much insulin to your dog, it can cause his blood sugar levels to plummet, potentially causing a variety of problems, including seizures and permanent brain damage.
  • Urinary Tract Infections — Because the urine of diabetic pets often contains high levels of sugar, and some diabetic dogs have difficulty voiding their bladders completely, urinary tract infections are common in diabetic dogs.

Several other complications can also occur in response to your dog's diabetes — particularly if it is not managed well. This includes rear-leg weakness, high blood pressure and low blood calcium levels.

In the final stages of dog diabetes, even more serious problems can occur. This most notably includes diabetic ketoacidosis — a condition in which the body starts using emergency energy stores.

Ketoacidosis can even trigger additional complications, including brain swelling and heart failure.

Dog Diabetes Cost: How Much Will This Illness Set You Back?

Many owners become concerned about the costs involved in treating a diabetic dog once their pup is diagnosed with the illness.

There are a number of different factors that'll influence the amount of money you spend, but we'll try to give you an idea of what to expect below.

Insulin Medications

Most diabetic dogs will require twice-daily insulin injections, although there are (rare) exceptions. Insulin will likely represent the single most expensive component of your dog's treatment on a monthly basis, so you'll want to plan accordingly.

According to PetRx Inc., most owners should expect to pay between $30 and $150 per month on insulin. The exact amount you'll pay will depend on a variety of factors, including:

  • The severity of your dog's disease
  • The size of your dog (bigger dogs will typically need more insulin)
  • Where you obtain the insulin

The last factor is the only one you can really control, but fortunately, it's also the most influential part of the equation. The cost of insulin varies greatly from one vendor to the next, so it is wise to shop around.

For example, many vets will sell insulin to their patients. However, because veterinary clinics are rarely set up to be efficient retail outlets, they usually implement a pretty hefty markup to make the sales worth their efforts.

On the other hand, your local pharmacy will likely have more reasonable prices, as they're very business model is designed around selling medications.

But some of the best prices for insulin can often be found at big-box retailers and their online counterparts (we're talking about Walmart, Costco, Amazon and similar places).

Some of these places even participate in discount programs, which may lower the cost of your dog's insulin even further.


Once you've obtained your dog's insulin, you'll need to purchase some syringes to perform the injections.

Syringes aren't terribly expensive, but you'll need to plan to spend about $10 to $20 a month on them.

Try to purchase syringes in bulk whenever possible, as this will usually lower the price-per-unit significantly.

Glucose Monitor, Lancets and Testing Strips

There are a number of different glucose monitors on the market, and they vary significantly in terms of price.

There are cheap models available for around $20, while some of the most expensive cost about $150 or so. You don't want to skimp where your dog's health is concerned, so you should probably expect to spend about $50 in most cases.

Lancets and test strips are disposable supplies that you'll need to use with most glucose monitors.

Like syringes, they aren't terribly expensive, but you will need to set aside money for them on a monthly basis. Typically, dog owners spend about $5 to $20 a month on these supplies.

If you are currently in the market for a glucose monitor, be sure to check out the AlphaTrak 2 Monitoring System Kit.

AlphaTRAK 2 Blood Glucose Monitoring System Kit

Designed specifically for cats and dogs, this kit comes with everything you need to get started, including the monitor, lancing device, 30 lancets, 25 testing strips, a carrying case, and two user guides.

Most owners who've tried it found it easy to use and effective. However, some owners complained about the cost of the test strips and lancets sold by the manufacturer of the AlphaTrak 2 kit.

Fortunately, there are more affordable alternatives available, such as this Test Strip and Lancet Kit, sold by Care Touch. These lancets and test strips will work with AlphaTrak and AlphaTrack 2 monitoring kits.

Diabetic Dog Food

Your dog needs food whether he has diabetes or not, but you may find it necessary to purchase a slightly more expensive dog food than normal if your pet is diagnosed with the illness.

Prescription dog foods for diabetes are typically the most expensive options, and some cost twice as much as non-prescription formulas.

However, not all dogs with diabetes require a prescription diet. Your vet may simply recommend switching to a premium dog food, that is high in fiber, low in simple carbohydrates, and full of protein.

In these cases, you'll likely only spend about 10% to 20% more per month on your pet's food. And if you were already feeding your pet a premium brand, you may not have to pay any more for his food at all.

Additional Veterinary Visits

You will likely end up needing to visit the vet several times over a short period of time after your dog is diagnosed with diabetes.

You'll also need to start taking your dog in for more frequent visits so your vet can ensure he is doing well.

The cost of veterinary visits varies, and some vets may be willing to offer reduced rates for patients that must come in repeatedly.

Just ask your vet how much you should prepare to spend on visits, and be sure to inquire about any discount plans he or she offers.

Breeds That May Be Predisposed to Diabetes

dobermans are very smart

Unfortunately, it appears that a few breeds may be more likely to develop diabetes than others. If your dog belongs to one of the following breeds, be extra vigilant about watching for signs of the disease.

  • Samoyed
  • Keeshonds
  • Dachshunds
  • Poodles
  • Golden
  • German Shepherds
  • Dobermans
  • Schnauzers
  • Puli
  • Labrador Retrievers
  • Cocker Spaniels
  • Pomeranians
  • Fox Terriers
  • Beagles

Additionally, females – particularly overweight individuals — are more likely than males (particularly thin males) to develop diabetes late in life. There is some evidence that suggests spaying may help reduce these risks.

Are Homemade Diets a Good Idea for Diabetic Dogs?

Although an increasing number of owners are experimenting with homemade diets for their pets, we usually discourage owners from doing so.

Properly balancing the nutritional content of a dog food is much more difficult than many dog owners believe it is, and very few owners will be able to prepare a food that is as nutritious as a high-quality commercial food.

Over time, the types of nutritional imbalances that characterize most homemade diets will often result in deficiencies and long-term health problems which are difficult to resolve.

But homemade diets are even more dangerous for diabetic dogs, given their unique dietary needs.

For example, improper carbohydrate and fiber levels may cause your dog's blood sugar levels to swing wildly, which will create an acute threat to your dog's health.

Accordingly, we strongly recommend that owners of dogs with diabetes stick to a good commercial recipe that meets the criteria we discussed above.

Three Final Care Tips for Dogs with Diabetes

feeding dog

Hopefully, one of the foods listed above will help you manage your dog's diabetes and ensure that he enjoys many more years to come.

But before you go, we wanted to share three more tips, which should help your dog whether he is in the early or final stages of dog diabetes.

1. Feed Your Dog on a Regular Schedule

In addition to providing your dog with a low-carb, high-fiber food, it is also important to feed your dog on a consistent schedule. This will also help to keep his blood glucose levels stable.

You'll need to discuss the optimal feeding schedule with your vet, but most diabetic dogs will thrive on a twice-daily feeding schedule. Typically, you'll want to feed your dog right before administering his insulin.

No matter what feeding schedule you and your vet decide upon, try your best to feed your dog at the same times each day.

2. Don't Switch Foods Unnecessarily

Unless there's a compelling reason to do so, try to avoid making significant changes to your diabetic dog's diet.

Switching foods can cause your pet's blood sugar levels to fluctuate in unpredictable ways, which can put his health in jeopardy.

Accordingly, you'll want to think carefully about the food you select, and always talk to your vet before changing to a different recipe or brand.

3. Don't Forget to Think About Treats

Treats can represent a significant portion of your dog's daily calories, so be sure that you don't sabotage your efforts to keep your dog's blood glucose levels under control by giving your diabetic pup high-calorie or sugary treats.

All Natural Diabetic Dog Treats, 10 oz- Vet Approved

You can still give your pet treats (assuming your vet signs off on the practice), but just be sure to limit them and to select treats that are protein-based!

For example,Old Dog Cookie Co. manufacturers treats made specifically for diabetic dogs.

These American-made, certified-organic treats are made with several ingredients that will help to manage your dog's blood sugar levels, and most dogs appear to love the way they taste too!


Do you have a diabetic dog in your care? What types of foods have you found helpful? We'd love to hear all about it (particularly if you are aware of a great food we missed) in the comments below.

Low Carb Diet For Dogs With Diabetes

